When cubital tunnel syndrome is nonresponsive to conservative treatment, a surgical procedure called Ulnar Nerve Transposition is performed in order to relieve the pressure on the ulnar nerve. This is accomplished by moving the ulnar nerve to the front of the elbow and placing it beneath a muscle layer, which in turn protects it from the bony groove when the elbow bends. This location under the muscle also provides the nerve with added protection from injury. The procedure makes necessary adjustments to the new site of the ulnar nerve, in order to prevent compression in its new location.
Beginning with an incision along the backside of the elbow with special care given to the nerves in the area, the bands of pressure entrapping the ulnar nerve are then identified and released. Muscle is then lifted from the bone and an area void of future nerve compression is created. Any scar tissue or other damage evident in the area is addressed and the opening is closed with sutures.
A recovery period is followed by rehabilitative and strengthening exercises, in order to rebuild muscle function and promote nerve regrowth.